Stylekorean Inc
마감 -238 일전  ( ~ 2024-06-14)
Sales Associate (Entry Level)
Job Description
The sales representative is responsible for maintaining and improving sales volumes of STYLEKOREAN, Inc. by working with existing customer and developing new customer base including national account such as Costco, Target, Walmart, Ipsy etc. Key performance metrics for this position include meeting sales targets, maintaining good customer relationship, working collaboratively with team members.
• Focus sales efforts by existing and potential volume of sales
• Assist customers by phone, email, and in-person – purchase order, Inquires etc.
• Recommend products to customers, based on customer’s needs and interests
• Resolve customer complaints by investigating problems; developing solutions; preparing reports; making recommendation
to management
• Develop and suggest process improvements to streamline workflow and efficiency
• Stay on top of the latest beauty and lifestyle trends and find opportunities for new products, variations, and ideas
Qualifications and Experience
• Experience in the beauty industry preferred
• Outstanding organization skill, follow-through, and attention to detail
• Highly flexible and responsive, with ability to effectively manage multiple, changing priorities
• Maintain a positive attitude and focus on customer satisfaction in a fast-paced environment
• Bilingual in Korean and English (Verbal & Written)
• Health Insurance paid 100% by the Company including vision & dental
• 12 Days of Paid Time off per year
• Paid Holidays
• 401k with company matching
• Year-end Discretionary Bonus
• Produce and merchandise discounts
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(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)