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gdxlab.inc는 총 1건의 채용 진행 중입니다
GDxLab is a full-service CLIA accredited high complexity clinical laboratory established to provide the highest quality healthcare and diagnostic testing services to medical practitioners and patients in the city of Englewood regions immediately south of Denver. We are providing a variety of clinical and molecular testing options to a wide networks of patients, clinics and hospitals, and use this expertise to help customers with highest confidence and reliability in our service .

0 년도


GDxLab is a full-service CLIA accredited high complexity clinical laboratory established to provide the highest quality healthcare and diagnostic testing services to medical practitioners and patients in the city of Englewood regions immediately south of Denver. We are providing a variety of clinical and molecular testing options to a wide networks of patients, clinics and hospitals, and use this expertise to help customers with highest confidence and reliability in our service .


업종 의료·간호 설립연도 0 년도
기업주소 770 West Hampden Avenue Suite 125 Englewood CO 80110

채용정보 총 1건

모집내용 경력 / 학력 / 모집인원 UPDATE 마감일
Microbiome/NGS lab Technician 40K~ 50K 근무지역: 경력 무관
등록일 : 2024-04-19
수정일 : 미수정