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Eastern American CDC 상시채용  ( ~ 충원시)

Assistant Credit Analyst

경력 무관
학력 대학교졸업(4년)
고용형태 정규직
급여조건 면접후 결정
비자스폰 이메일접수
복리후생 등록된 복리후생이 없습니다.
회사명 Eastern American CDC
업종 재무.인사.기획.구매
설립연도 0년
주소 438 Broad Ave Palisades Park, NJ 07650
이메일 celiajeong @ ea504.org
홈페이지 https://www.ea504.org

Assistant Credit Analyst

Eastern American CDC is a Federally Chartered Certified Development Company ("CDC") and non-profit corporation that provides support to the local

community's economic development through financial support to development projects via various types of government loans, grants, and educational

programs. Examples of such programs include the United States Small Business Administration ("SBA") 504 Loan Program, the SBA 7a Loan Program

and the United States Department Agriculture ("USDA") Loan Program.

This is an entry-level position responsible for assisting credit officers and relationship managers under the direct supervision of CEO and Board of Directors

to provide basic credit support relating to administrative duties, spreading financial statements, covenant calculations, due diligence, verification, and

ongoing monitoring of clients.


- Identifies, collects, and analyzes credit analysis and global cash flow to assess creditworthiness

- Contract borrowers to obtain required documents and supporting information

- Perform financial statement spreading, covenant calculations and collateral review

- Provide direct support to the chief credit officer



- Bachelor's degree in Finance or Accounting or equivalent experience preferred

- Excellent written and oral communication skills

- Fluent in English

- Strong multi-tasking abilities

- Detail-oriented, flexible, and able to work in a fast-paced environment



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(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)
