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Absolute New York는 총 1건의 채용 진행 중입니다
Absolute New York
Absolute New York is an all-around beauty brand that offers the essentials from cosmetics, skincare, to tools and accessories.
True to our New York City roots, we promise absolute individual beauty for everyone. Our products are made to inspire and celebrate creativity and diversity, and we invite you to discover what you love, what makes you... you.
Absolute New York was born in the vibrancy and energy of New York City, where people from everywhere come together in celebration of color, culture, and creativity. We stand for beauty innovation with a New York vibe.
Our mission is to represent the diversity of New York City with people who share a passion for discovering beauty by creating on-trend, high-quality products accessible to absolutely everyone.

2014 년도


Absolute New York is an all-around beauty brand that offers the essentials from cosmetics, skincare, to tools and accessories.
True to our New York City roots, we promise absolute individual beauty for everyone. Our products are made to inspire and celebrate creativity and diversity, and we invite you to discover what you love, what makes you... you.
Absolute New York was born in the vibrancy and energy of New York City, where people from everywhere come together in celebration of color, culture, and creativity. We stand for beauty innovation with a New York vibe.
Our mission is to represent the diversity of New York City with people who share a passion for discovering beauty by creating on-trend, high-quality products accessible to absolutely everyone.


업종 가발 / Beauty Supply 설립연도 2014 년도

채용정보 총 1건

모집내용 경력 / 학력 / 모집인원 UPDATE 마감일
Purchasing Coodinator/ Graphic Designer 구합니다, 영어 능통자, 세금 보고 가능자 면접후 결정 근무지역: 경력 무관
모집인원 0
등록일 : 2023-05-24
수정일 : 미수정