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Vivozon, Inc 상시채용  ( ~ 충원시)

Research Scientist 구인

경력 경력 4-6년 이상
학력 대학원졸업
고용형태 정규직
급여조건 면접후 결정
비자스폰 이메일접수
건강관리지원 : 건강보험,401K등
회사명 Vivozon, Inc
업종 연구.소재 개발.
설립연도 2008년
주소 196 Princeton NJ 08850
이메일 hr@vivozon.com
홈페이지 https://www.vivozon.com

비보존은 2008년 설립된 글로벌 혁신 신약 개발 기업입니다.

기존의 신약 개발패러다임과 확연히 구분되는 효능-기반 신약 발굴 시스템을 구축하고 1년 미만의단기간에 비마약성 진통제

오피란제린 (VVZ-149)을 발굴했습니다. 현재 수술 후통증 주사제로 글로벌 임상 3상을 진행 중인 오피란제린은 신경병증성

통증,암성 통증과 같은 다양한 적응증과 여러 제형으로 확장될 것입니다. 비보존은연구개발과 교육에 과감히 투자하여

중독, 조현병, 우울증, 파킨슨병 등의중추신경계 질환 전반으로 파이프라인을 확장하며 성장하고 있습니다.



Job Description

The successful candidate will be a research scientist with global mindset and expertise to develop new medicines to improve human health and wellbeing.  

As an integral part of the team, the position holder will be responsible for supporting the preparation of clinical documents and regulatory dossiers through

final market formulation definition and manufacturing process robustness assessment.  The individual ensures the quality, compliance with internal and

regulatory standards, and timely production of English-language documents and individual clinical-nonclinical study reports as well as integrated summaries.

Specific responsibilities are as follows:

  • Responsible for supporting the timely preparation and/or coordination, in English, of reports and/or related regulatory documentation,
  • required for the planning, initiation, performance and reporting of clinical studies and for marketing approvals worldwide.
  • Provides dedicated scientific authoring expertise to ensure that the team's opinions and decisions, is presented accurately and effectively.
  • Needs to liaise with a wide range of external services and review documentation generated by Clinical Research Organizations (CROs), co-development partners,
  • and internal research scientists and regulatory managers


Education Minimum Requirement:

PhD or Master in Biomedical/Biological Science, Neuroscience, Pharmaceutical Sciences, or related discipline.


Required Experience and Skills:

  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Technical comfort with electronic document management and word processing software is required, particularly good Microsoft Word skills.
  • Ability to learn and apply new scientific principles to execution of daily responsibilities
  • Demonstrated ability to collate and conduct basic data analysis
  • Possesses a solid work ethic, professionalism, organizational ability, and follow-up skills.


Preferred Experience and Skills:

  • Fluency in both English and Korean (excellent verbal/reading/writing skills)
  • Previous experiences in clinical research experience, conducting statistical analysis system (SAS or SPSS), or clinical regulatory documentation is a plus, but not required.


What We Look For:

Specialized science goes without saying, but our training encompasses other key areas such as communication, presentation, attitude, values and solvability,

which we deem absolutely necessary for continuous professional development. Vivozon is particularly pushing for the nurturing of self-confidence and altruistic

leadership that will foster and bolster our mission and vision as a leading global total healthcare enterprise.


We Offer:

  • Competitive Salary
  • Medical, Dental & Vision Insurance
  • 401(k) Plan
  • Paid Vacation, Sick & Holiday
  • Business Casual Environment


근무 상세 내용

  • 고용형태: 정규직
  • 근무시간: 09:00 am ~ 06:00 pm
  • 급여: 면접 후 결정



  • 접수방법: 이메일 (HR@vivozon.com)

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(저작권자 ⓒ Job Guide USA 무단전재 - 재배포 금지)
